no solos
Coaching addresses stuckness; it’s quick. After a good coaching session, you can get back to it (whatever it is) with renewed clarity and enthusiasm. The root of "enthusiasm"is en-theos meaning to have a god within.
“I once added Kim to a large exhibit development team simply because I wanted her humor, her wit, her creativity – frankly, her genius - to counter some of the more conservative approaches from other experts. Sometimes, I have hired her to work with subjects outside her realm – rap, say, or teen pop, because my teams absolutely love to work with her. She lights up the room – and any stage, of course – with a generous presence that leaves room for everybody else.”
-Andrea Weatherhead, principal, WEATHERHEAD Experience Design
“Kim’s keen musicality flows into the feedback she gives for writing, as she attends to rhythm, harmony and discord: the overall structure here, the single note there. In reading a third draft of my manuscript, she was able to meet it on its own terms; a rare gift as an editor. Her sensitive insight inspired me to hone and polish my true voice on the page.”
~Mary Oak, Author and Educator
no solos coaching sessions are meant to stimulate your creativity, discernment, and authority. Together, we'll imagine a more elegant way to move forward in a situation or project. Sessions may include some trouble-shooting or strategizing. Education is a part of it; it might be useful to learn a practice, an unusual idea, or new habit of perception. You’ll leave with greater confidence in your instincts and in your next steps.
Often, people who have sought help elsewhere find that a no solos coaching session offers the missing piece - the moment of clarity or inspiration that makes all the difference.
This style of coaching is especially suited to those who need to think and lead from the heart: teachers, parents, artists, therapists, coaches, and healers.
The frequency of sessions is up to you. You can schedule a single call or a series.
Coaching generally happens on phone (not Skype).
Sessions last approximately 60 minutes
Sessions cost $130 USD/hour, payable by PayPal
To begin, send a coaching request to Kim. Include a brief description of your situation.
parents of a "Twice Exceptional" child - both highly bright and learning disabled parents of pre-teens, teens, and young adults
parents of highly sensitive, right brained, learning disabled, stuck, and/or anxious kids
home school parents